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Copiapoa Cinerea Kaufen

Copiapoa Cinerea: A Rare and Beautiful Cacti


Copiapoa cinerea is an incredibly rare cacti that is native to the Atacama Desert in Chile. This beautiful plant is characterized by its distinctive waxy whitish surface, which gives it an almost shimmering appearance. Copiapoa cinerea is a slow-growing plant, but with proper care, it can live for many years.

Physical Characteristics

Copiapoa cinerea is a small, globular cacti that typically grows to be about 3-4 inches in diameter. The plant's stem is covered in conical tubercles, which are equipped with very downy areoles. These areoles are where the plant's spines grow from. Copiapoa cinerea typically has 5-7 spines per areole, which are about 1-2 inches long.


Copiapoa cinerea flowers from late spring to early summer. The flowers are bright yellow and funnel-shaped, and they are about 1 inch in diameter. The flowers are borne on the top of the plant, and they last for about a week.


Copiapoa cinerea is found in the Atacama Desert in Chile, which is one of the driest places on Earth. This plant is well-adapted to its harsh environment, and it can survive on very little water. Copiapoa cinerea typically grows in rocky or gravelly soil, and it can often be found growing in crevices between rocks.

Conservation Status

Copiapoa cinerea is a threatened species, and it is listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The main threat to this plant is habitat loss, as the Atacama Desert is being increasingly used for mining and other development purposes.


Copiapoa cinerea can be cultivated in a pot or in a garden. If you are growing this plant in a pot, be sure to use a well-draining potting mix. Copiapoa cinerea should be watered sparingly, and it should be fertilized once a month during the growing season. If you are growing this plant in a garden, be sure to plant it in a sunny location with well-drained soil.


Copiapoa cinerea is a beautiful and rare cacti that is well-adapted to its harsh environment. This plant is threatened by habitat loss, but it can be cultivated in a pot or in a garden with proper care.
