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Twig Dump Function For Inspecting Variables

Twig: Dump Function for Inspecting Variables

What Is the Dump Function?

The dump function in Twig is a valuable tool for debugging and inspecting variables within template files. It displays detailed information about the specified variable, including its type, value, and any relevant details.

Usage in Twig Templates

To use the dump function, simply place it in the desired location within the template and pass the variable you wish to inspect as the argument. For example:

{{ dump(my_variable) }}

This will output information about the my_variable variable in the web browser.

Alternatives to Dump

Before Twig 15, it was common to use alternative methods for debugging, such as dumpentryauthors or debug(). However, the dump function has since become the recommended and preferred approach.


The dump function in Twig provides a convenient and informative way to inspect variables in template files. It is a powerful debugging tool that can help developers quickly identify and resolve any issues with their templates.
